Editorial continued in English

In this editorial, a fruitful dialogue is established with the CEO of a German Real Estate Investment Trust on “green value”. Beyond several differences, interesting similarities emerge.

Then an analysis of the new 2010 European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and its implementation in France is available. What a contrast with the late and sometime limited implementation in France of the previous 2002 Directive!

The “Grenelle of the Environment” went through here. And France, yesterday the bad pupil in the class, is now among the very first! It remains now that French very ambitious regulations really get into the reality of the Construction and Property sector, and practices of all professionals involved.

The action principle of our blog is to offer free access texts allowing a better link between Construction and Property professionals and researchers in the field of Sustainable Real Estate Economics. Thus you can:

– On the left side, download articles and reports from “Téléchargements” item (classified into three areas: Policies and Markets, Costs and Profitability, Finance) and use some “Useful Links”,

– On the right side, download conference and working groups papers. See in particular the Energy Efficiency Worldwide Benchmark, embodied as international Internet sessions, organized by Task Group n° 66 “Energy and the Built Environment” of International Council for Building (CIB), which I coordinate. You can also reach previous editorials. Let us notice that more than 2 000 persons read the article dealing with Green Value and the paper dedicated to the World wide Common metrics of Green buildings labels has been translated into Chinese!

Enjoy and feel free to give your feedback.

Jean Carassus, consultant, Professor Ecole des Ponts ParisTech,
