Archives de catégorie : Biography (in English)

My biography

I am a graduate of HEC Paris School of Management and dedicated  my professional carrier to the Property and Construction sector.

I first entered the French Housing Ministry to produce construction economics studies and to participate in the national housing policy. Then I joined the social housing company Logement Français, a subsidiary of the French insurance group AXA. I was during several years in charge of the management of a 28 000 dwellings portfolio in the parisian region.

After I joined the R&D sector, by becoming the Director of the Economics and Human Sciences Department of the Scientific and Technical Building research Centre (CSTB), a 900 employees public centre. I worked on the Property and Construction Sector, coordinating an International Building Council (CIB) report. I published two books on the Construction Sector and on Public Private Partnership, the second one in partnership with Frédéric Bougrain and Marc Colombard-Prout.

Then I monitored, for the French government, a one million € international benchmark on energy and construction, and became an energy efficient buildings international expert. Since March 2009, I am a consultant, specialized in energy and environment efficient buildings, and professor at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, director of “Sustainable Real Estate and Building” (Energy and digital transitions) Executive Part Time Master. It is the first master dedicated to sustainable real estate to be accredited in Europe by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).

I was also the CIB “Energy and the Built Environment” Task Group n°66 coordinator from 2009 to 2012 and published in 2013 the Task Group final report: “The Implementation of Energy Efficiency Buildings Policies : An International Comparison »

I am a member of the French National Plan for Sustainable Buildings (former Plan Bâtiment Grenelle, now Plan Bâtiment Durable).

Since 2014, I am Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS).